Monday, February 2, 2009

Everything you want, you will find it here

Let me just say: I love my life. I have the best job in the world. I mean, how great is it that I get to spend my day going through all this stuff?

Here are a few pics from my first day at SF Recycling:

It's impossible to truly convey the amount of stuff that comes through this place. It never stops coming. There are always trucks unloading everything from office furniture to wood from remodeled houses to the contents of a storage shed. The sound of the bulldozers is constant.

But the guys who work there are great. One of them told me, "Everything you want, you will find it here. Everything comes here eventually." And I thought, how wonderful that sounds. A place to find everything you ever wanted, and immediately got lost in the idea of finding love, peace, a sense of purpose in the detritus of our throw-away society.

I found it quite amazing, and was taken with the beauty of the space. There's something in the structure of the building that I quite like, the expansiveness of it and the way the light filters in.

I spent almost three hours there today, some of it gathering a few items that caught my eye, a lot more of it just sitting and watching what was going on and then taking pictures. I've got some ideas brewing, but mostly today was about taking it in and getting used to the place. I am now quite exhausted. It was one of those non-stop days, and I still have a lot of work to do before class tomorrow.

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